Below is a list of items we are currently in need of in order to properly provide services to our clients. If you’d like to donate any of these items, please drop them off at our office, or contact us to arrange pick-up. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. We are able to provide for others because you have provided for us.
For Lifehouse Ministries
- Diapers - especially sizes 3, 4, 5, & 6
- Pull-ups - sizes 2T-3T and 3T-4T
- Baby wipes
- Aveeno lotion and soap (for Eczema)
- Travel size lotions, soaps, toothpaste, etc.
- Walkers (stationary w/ toys)
- Bumbo seats
- Play pens (pack-n-plays)
- Bassinettes
- Educational toys (newborn – age 4)
- Gerber Good Start (Gentle) formula
- Potty chairs
- Step stools (child size)
- Booster seats (for eating)
- Cabinet/door locks (child-proofing)
- Plugs for outlets
- New (still in box) car seats (all sizes) **
- First Aid kits
- New (still in box) cribs
- Children’s clothing NB-4T
- Disposable gloves
- Disposable changing pads
For Classes
- Cases of bottled water
- Juice boxes
- Kid’s snacks
- Pens, pencils, sharpies, pencil sharpener
- Dry-erase markers
- 2 pocket folders
For Office
- Envelopes (sizes 6, 9, & 10)
- Postage stamps
- Copy paper
- Gift cards - Staples, Walmart, Lowes
- Toilet paper, paper towels
- Lysol/bleach wipes (for cleaning)
- Staples, tape
- Lysol spray
- Laundry detergent
Other Needs
- Gift cards - Walmart, Staples, gas cards
- Cars (to transport clients, run errands)
- Safe houses (homes for Moms & kids)
- Money (always)
- Volunteers
- Land
Work Projects That Need Doing
- small painting jobs
- Sorting donations at store
- Cleaning (weekly)
- Picking up donations (furniture)
- Hauling away unuseable/broken items
We especially need help with childcare: Tuesdays 11:00-2:30.
We also need van drivers and REDEEMED store volunteers.
** Please Note: We can NOT accept used car seats OR cribs that have sides that let up & down (these have been recalled).